Step-by-Step Guide: How to Hardwire Ring Doorbell Efficiently

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to hardwire your Ring doorbell for efficient and reliable performance.

By following our step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to ensure a constant power source and maximize the functionality of your Ring doorbell.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your home’s security or simply want to enjoy the benefits of a continuous power supply, hardwiring your Ring doorbell is the way to go.

In this guide, we will walk you through each stage of the installation process, helping you achieve a seamless and hassle-free setup.

To get started, let’s gather the necessary tools for the hardwiring process. Having the right equipment on hand will make the installation smooth and efficient.

Gather the Necessary Tools

Before you begin hardwiring your Ring doorbell, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools and equipment.

Having these tools ready will ensure a smooth installation process and help you achieve efficient results.

Here are the tools you will need:

  • Screwdriver: A screwdriver will be used to remove the old doorbell and secure the mounting bracket.
  • Screws: You will need screws to attach the mounting bracket and secure your Ring doorbell in place.
  • Charging Cable: If your Ring doorbell has a battery, you will need a charging cable to ensure it is fully charged before hardwiring.
  • Drill: A drill may be necessary if you are installing the doorbell on brick or stucco.
  • Box Cutter or Flathead Screwdriver: These tools will help you remove the old doorbell from the wall.
  • Level Tool: A level tool will ensure that your mounting bracket is straight and properly aligned.

By having these tools on hand, you can proceed with the hardwiring process efficiently and without any interruptions.

Table: Necessary Tools for Ring Doorbell Hardwiring

ScrewdriverRemoval of old doorbell and secure mounting bracket
ScrewsAttachment of mounting bracket and securing Ring doorbell
Charging CableCharging the battery (if applicable)
DrillInstallation on brick or stucco surfaces
Box Cutter or Flathead ScrewdriverRemoval of old doorbell
Level ToolAlignment of the mounting bracket

With these tools at your disposal, you’re well-prepared to embark on the hardwiring journey for your Ring doorbell installation.

Charge the Battery (if applicable)

Before hardwiring your Ring doorbell, it’s important to ensure that the battery is fully charged.

This step is only necessary if your Ring doorbell has a battery.

Follow these steps to charge the battery:

  1. Locate the included charging cable.
  2. Connect the charging cable to the battery port on the back of your Ring doorbell.
  3. Plug the other end of the charging cable into a power source.
  4. Allow the battery to charge for 4-6 hours or until the battery indicator shows a green light.

Once the battery is fully charged, you can proceed with the hardwiring process.

Why charge the battery?

Charging the battery ensures that your Ring doorbell has sufficient power to operate without relying solely on the hardwired connection.

This is especially important in case of any temporary power outages or interruptions.

By keeping the battery charged, you can ensure uninterrupted functionality and peace of mind.

Troubleshooting tips:

If you encounter any issues with charging the battery, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check that the charging cable is securely connected to both the doorbell and the power source.
  • Make sure the power source is working properly by plugging in another device.
  • Try using a different charging cable or power source to rule out any faulty equipment.
  • If the battery still does not charge, contact Ring customer support for further assistance.
IssueEnsure proper connection and try different charging cables or power source
Battery not chargingEnsure proper connection and try different charging cable or power source
Battery not holding chargeContact Ring customer support for further assistance

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you can ensure that your Ring doorbell battery is properly charged and ready for hardwiring.

Shut Off Power

Ring Doorbell Hardwiring

Before proceeding with the hardwiring process, it is crucial to prioritize safety by shutting off the power to your existing doorbell.

This preventive measure will protect you from potential electrical hazards and ensure the safe installation of your Ring doorbell.

To begin, locate your home’s breaker box. This is usually found in a basement, garage, or utility room.

Open the breaker box and carefully identify the switch that controls the power to your doorbell.

It is often labeled as “doorbell” or “door chime.”

If you are unsure, refer to your home’s electrical diagram or consult a professional electrician.

Once you have identified the correct switch, flip it to the off position.

This action will cut off the electricity supply to your doorbell, eliminating the risk of accidental electrocution during the installation process.

Take note that turning off the power may also affect other electrical components in your home, such as the door chime or other connected devices.

After ensuring that the power is shut off, use a voltage tester to confirm that there is no electricity flowing through the doorbell wiring.

This step is essential to guarantee your safety.

Only proceed with the installation once you have confirmed that the voltage tester does not detect any electrical current.

Safety Precautions for Hardwiring Ring Doorbell

When working with electrical components, it is important to take the necessary safety precautions.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety goggles and gloves, to protect yourself from potential hazards.
  • Avoid working in wet conditions, as water can conduct electricity and increase the risk of electric shock.
  • If you are uncertain about any step of the hardwiring process, consult a professional electrician for assistance.
  • Do not touch any exposed wires or live electrical components while the power is turned on.

By adhering to these safety precautions, you can ensure a secure and risk-free hardwiring installation of your Ring doorbell.

Removing Old Doorbell

Before installing your new Ring doorbell, you’ll need to remove the old doorbell from your wall.

This process involves disconnecting the old doorbell wires and ensuring a clean removal.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  1. Begin by using a screwdriver or box cutter to remove the faceplate of your existing doorbell. This will expose the screws that are holding the doorbell in place.
  2. Next, unscrew the old doorbell from the wall. Be careful not to damage the wires during this process.
  3. Once the old doorbell is detached from the wall, use a screwdriver to loosen the screws that are holding the wires in place. Take note of which wire is attached to which screw, as you’ll need this information for the installation of your new Ring doorbell.
  4. Finally, gently remove the old doorbell from the wall, ensuring that all wires are completely detached.

With the old doorbell successfully removed, you’re now ready to move on to the next step of the installation process.

Table: Doorbell Wire Colors

Wire ColorFunction
WhiteFront door
GreenBack door
BlueCommon wire for digital doorbell chimes

When removing the old doorbell, take note of the wire colors and their corresponding functions.

This information will be helpful when connecting the wires to your new Ring doorbell.

Attach Mounting Bracket

Before you can mount your Ring doorbell, you need to install the mounting bracket.

This bracket will securely hold your doorbell in place and allow for a clean and professional installation.

Here’s how to attach the mounting bracket for hardwired installation:

  1. Hold the mounting bracket against the wall in the desired location. Make sure that the wiring comes through the bracket’s hole.
  2. Use a level tool to ensure the bracket is straight. This step is crucial for proper alignment and to avoid any issues with the doorbell’s functionality.
  3. Once the bracket is positioned correctly, use a pencil to mark the screw hole locations on the wall. Ensure that the markings are clear and easily visible.
  4. With the markings in place, screw the mounting bracket into position. Use the appropriate screws and make sure not to overtighten them, as it may damage the bracket or the wall.

By following these steps, you will have successfully attached the mounting bracket for your hardwired Ring doorbell installation.

The bracket provides a stable foundation for mounting your doorbell and ensures optimal performance.

Table: Mounting Bracket Installation Steps

1Hold mounting bracket against the wall
2Use a level tool to ensure straight alignment
3Mark screw hole locations with a pencil
4Screw the mounting bracket into position

Refer to the table above for a quick overview of the mounting bracket installation steps.

Following these steps will ensure a secure and proper installation of your Ring doorbell.

Next, you’ll move on to connecting the doorbell wires and mounting your Ring doorbell to the bracket, bringing you one step closer to completing the hardwiring process.

Connect Doorbell Wires

connecting wires for Ring doorbell hardwiring

Now that you have the mounting bracket in place, it’s time to connect the doorbell wires to your Ring doorbell.

This step is crucial for ensuring a proper hardwired installation and reliable performance.

Follow these steps to connect the wires:

  1. Loosen the screws on the mounting bracket to create space for the wires.
  2. Identify the two wires coming from your doorbell system. Typically, these are labeled “Front” and “Trans” or have different colors.
  3. Wrap one wire around each screw on the mounting bracket, making sure the wires are securely attached.
  4. If you have a digital doorbell chime, consult the installation instructions provided by Ring for additional steps on how to connect the wires.
  5. Tighten the screws gently to ensure a secure connection without damaging the wires.

Connecting the doorbell wires correctly is essential for the proper functioning of your Ring doorbell.

Take your time and double-check that the wires are attached securely to avoid any connectivity issues in the future.

Remember, if you encounter any difficulties during the installation process, consult the Ring app’s help center or contact customer support for further assistance.

Doorbell WireMounting Bracket Screw
Front WireFront Screw on the Mounting Bracket
Trans WireTrans Screw on the Mounting Bracket

Mount Ring Doorbell

After successfully connecting the doorbell wires, it’s time to mount your Ring doorbell on the bracket.

This step is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and functionality.

Position the doorbell on the mounting bracket, aligning the screw holes on the back of the doorbell with the holes on the bracket.

Once aligned, firmly press the doorbell in and down until you hear a click, indicating that it is securely attached to the bracket.

It’s important to ensure that the doorbell is properly seated on the bracket to avoid any potential issues.

Take a moment to double-check the alignment and make sure the doorbell is not loose or wobbly.

A secure and stable mount will help maintain the integrity of your Ring doorbell installation.

Restoring Power for Your Ring Doorbell

Once your Ring doorbell is securely installed, the final step is to restore power and ensure that it is functioning properly.

Follow these simple steps to turn on the power and test your Ring doorbell:

  1. Return to your home’s breaker box and locate the switch that controls the power to your doorbell. It is important to ensure that the power is turned off during the installation process to avoid any electric shock.
  2. Flip the switch back to the on position to restore electricity to your Ring doorbell.
  3. To test your Ring doorbell, simply press the button on the doorbell itself. You should hear a chime or receive a notification on your smartphone if the Ring app is connected.

It is important to ensure that your Ring doorbell is properly functioning after installation.

If you encounter any issues or the doorbell does not work as expected, refer to the Ring app or contact their customer support for troubleshooting assistance.

1Locate breaker box
2Find doorbell switch
3Flip switch to on position
4Test doorbell functionality

By following these steps, you can safely restore power to your Ring doorbell and ensure that it is working correctly.

Enjoy the enhanced security and convenience that a hardwired Ring doorbell provides!

Set Up Ring App Preferences

After successfully hardwiring your Ring doorbell, the next step is to set up your Ring app preferences.

This will allow you to fully customize your doorbell’s settings and make the most out of its features.

To begin, download the Ring app on your smartphone from the respective app store.

Once installed, open the app and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your Ring doorbell.

You will need to connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi network, which is essential for seamless functionality.

Once your Ring doorbell is connected, you can start customizing your preferences.

The app will provide you with various options to choose from, including motion detection settings, notification preferences, and camera coverage areas.

Take the time to explore these settings and configure them according to your preferences.

Motion DetectionAdjust the sensitivity and range of the motion detection feature to minimize false alerts or capture all the necessary events.
Notification PreferencesSelect how and when you want to receive notifications, including push notifications, email alerts, or both.
Camera Coverage AreasDefine specific areas within the camera’s field of view where you want to receive motion alerts.

By customizing these preferences, you can ensure that your Ring doorbell delivers accurate and relevant notifications while maximizing its efficiency.

Take the time to fine-tune these settings based on your specific needs and preferences.

Remember to regularly check the Ring app for any firmware updates or additional features that may enhance your doorbell’s performance.

Stay informed and keep your Ring doorbell up-to-date for the best user experience.


Hardwiring your Ring doorbell offers several advantages for enhancing your home’s security.

By connecting your doorbell to a constant power source, you can enjoy reliable performance and extend your battery life.

However, it’s important to follow the proper installation steps and be prepared to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Here are a few tips to ensure a successful installation:

First, gather all the necessary tools and equipment before starting the hardwiring process.

This includes a screwdriver, screws, charging cable, drill (if needed), box cutter or flathead screwdriver, and a level tool.

Having these tools ready will make the installation process smoother.

Next, carefully remove the old doorbell and attach the mounting bracket in the desired location.

Ensure that the wiring comes through the bracket’s hole and use a level tool to ensure it is straight.

Once the bracket is securely in place, connect the doorbell wires to the mounting bracket, tighten the screws gently, and mount your Ring doorbell.

Finally, restore power by flipping the switch that controls the doorbell’s power back to the on position.

Test your Ring doorbell to ensure it is functioning properly.

Remember to download the Ring app to customize your doorbell preferences and take advantage of its full functionality.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, consult the Ring app and customer support for troubleshooting assistance.

With proper installation and troubleshooting, you can enjoy the benefits of a hardwired Ring doorbell and enhance the security of your home.

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