Why is My Ring Doorbell Not Detecting Motion? Find Out Why!

Welcome to our article on troubleshooting when your Ring doorbell is not detecting motion.

In this section, we will discuss common causes and provide solutions to help you understand why your Ring doorbell may not be detecting motion.

This information will help you troubleshoot and fix the issue to ensure the proper functioning of your Ring doorbell’s motion detection feature.

Many users encounter this problem and struggle to figure out why it’s happening.

But fret not; we’re here to help you navigate through the troubleshooting process and get your Ring doorbell back to detecting motion as it should.

Check the Placement of the Doorbell

Proper placement of your Ring doorbell is crucial for its motion detection to work effectively.

Placing it at the right height and angle, and ensuring no obstructions are blocking the motion sensors’ view, can significantly improve the accuracy of its motion detection.

When positioning your doorbell, make sure it is installed at a height that allows the sensors to adequately cover the desired area.

This typically means mounting it at about chest level or slightly higher.

Additionally, ensure that the doorbell is angled downward to capture motion in front of your door and not just the sky.

It is also essential to clear any potential obstacles that may obstruct the view of the motion sensors.

This includes objects like tree branches, plants, or decorations that could potentially trigger false motion detection or prevent the doorbell from detecting actual movement.

By keeping the area around your doorbell clear, you can maximize its motion detection capabilities.

Table: Tips for Proper Placement of Your Ring Doorbell

Mount at the right heightInstall the doorbell at chest level or slightly higher for optimal motion detection coverage.
Angle it downwardEnsure the doorbell is angled downward to capture motion in front of your door.
Clear obstructionsRemove any objects or obstacles that may block the motion sensors’ view.

Check the Doorbell Camera Sensitivity Settings

The sensitivity settings of your Ring Doorbell play a significant role in its motion detection capabilities.

By adjusting these settings, you can ensure that your doorbell can accurately detect the desired motion. To access the sensitivity settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ring app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Select your Ring Doorbell device.
  3. Tap on “Motion Settings” or a similar option.
  4. Adjust the sensitivity slider to increase or decrease the level of sensitivity.
  5. Save the changes.

Increasing the sensitivity level can make your doorbell more responsive to motion while decreasing it can reduce false alerts.

It’s important to find the right balance that works for your specific situation.

Understanding Sensitivity Settings

When adjusting the sensitivity settings, it’s helpful to understand how they affect motion detection. Here are the common sensitivity options you may encounter:

  • High Sensitivity: This setting makes your doorbell more sensitive to motion and can detect even small movements. However, it may also result in more false alerts, especially from things like wind-blown trees or passing cars.
  • Medium Sensitivity: This setting offers a balanced approach, detecting significant motion while minimizing false alerts. It’s a good starting point if you’re unsure which setting to choose.
  • Low Sensitivity: This setting reduces the sensitivity level, making your doorbell less likely to detect small or subtle motions. It can help reduce false alerts, but it may also result in missed events.

Troubleshooting Motion Detection Problems

If you’re still experiencing issues with your Ring doorbell’s motion detection after adjusting the sensitivity settings, there are a few additional troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Check for any physical obstructions that may be blocking the motion sensors. Ensure that there are no objects or debris in the field of view.
  2. Make sure your doorbell is installed at the correct height and angle for optimal motion detection.
  3. Consider updating the firmware of your Ring doorbell through the Ring app. Firmware updates can fix bugs and improve motion detection performance.
  4. Restart your doorbell by removing and reinserting the battery or using the restart option in the Ring app.
  5. If all else fails, contact Ring support for further assistance. They can provide personalized troubleshooting steps or explore warranty options if necessary.

By following these steps and understanding how the sensitivity settings work, you can troubleshoot and fix motion detection issues with your Ring doorbell.

Remember to regularly check and adjust the settings to ensure optimal performance.

Sensitivity SettingsDescription
High SensitivityMakes doorbell more sensitive to motion, detecting even small movements. May result in more false alerts.
Medium SensitivityOffers a balanced approach, detecting significant motion while minimizing false alerts.
Low SensitivityReduces sensitivity level, making doorbell less likely to detect small or subtle motions. May result in missed events.

Check for Obstructions

One common reason why your Ring doorbell may not be picking up motion is the presence of obstructions in its field of view.

These obstructions can prevent the motion sensors from detecting any movement, resulting in a lack of alerts or recordings.

To ensure proper motion detection, it is important to identify and remove any objects or obstacles that may be blocking the sensors’ view.

To check for obstructions, start by examining the area around your Ring doorbell.

Look for any plants, branches, or decorations that might be obstructing the sensors.

Trim any overgrown foliage or adjust the positioning of objects that are directly in front of the doorbell.

If you have a doorbell with a swivel feature, make sure it is adjusted correctly to provide an unobstructed view.

Additionally, check if there are any spider webs or dirt accumulation on the camera lens, as these can also impact motion detection. Clean the lens using a soft cloth to ensure clear visibility.

By ensuring that there are no obstructions in the field of view of your Ring doorbell’s motion sensors, you can significantly improve its motion detection performance and receive accurate notifications and recordings.

Table: Troubleshooting Obstructions

Obstructed view due to plants or decorationsTrim plants or adjust positioning of decorations
Swivel feature not adjusted correctlyReposition the doorbell to provide a clear view
Spider webs or dirt on the camera lensClean the lens using a soft cloth

Check for Firmware Updates

Firmware updates play a crucial role in ensuring the optimal performance of your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

Regular updates can address bugs, introduce new features, and improve overall functionality.

To check for firmware updates, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Ring app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Navigate to the device settings for your Ring doorbell.
  3. Look for the Firmware section and check if there are any available updates.
  4. If an update is available, follow the prompts to download and install it.

Updating your Ring doorbell’s firmware can help resolve issues related to motion detection, such as the doorbell not alerting or recording motion properly.

It’s recommended to keep your device up to date to ensure it is functioning at its best.

When updating firmware, make sure your Ring doorbell is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network and has sufficient battery power.

The update process may take a few minutes, and it’s important to avoid interrupting it to prevent any potential issues.

By regularly checking for firmware updates and keeping your Ring doorbell’s software current, you can address motion detection problems and maintain the security and functionality of your device.

Troubleshooting Tips:

If you encounter any difficulties during the firmware update process, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure that your Wi-Fi network is stable and has a strong signal.
  2. Close the Ring app and reopen it to refresh the connection.
  3. Restart your smartphone or tablet to clear any temporary issues.
  4. If the update fails multiple times, contact Ring support for further assistance.

Table: Common Firmware Versions for Ring Doorbell Models

Ring Doorbell ModelLatest Firmware Version
Ring Doorbell (1st Generation)1.16.00111
Ring Doorbell (2nd Generation)2.5.0
Ring Doorbell Pro2.4.0
Ring Doorbell Elite2.4.0

Restart the Doorbell

fix ring doorbell motion detection issue

If you are facing issues with your Ring doorbell not detecting motion, a simple restart can often resolve the problem.

Restarting the doorbell refreshes its system and can help rectify any temporary glitches affecting motion detection.

To restart your Ring doorbell, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ring app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Navigate to the device settings for your doorbell.
  3. Locate the option to restart the device and select it.
  4. If the doorbell has a removable battery, you can also try removing it for a few seconds and then reinserting it to initiate a restart.

After the restart, monitor the performance of your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

In many cases, this simple action can resolve the issue and restore proper functionality.

Considerations when Restarting the Doorbell

While restarting the doorbell is a straightforward process, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your device is connected to a stable internet connection before initiating the restart.
  • If your doorbell has a battery, ensure it is adequately charged to avoid any power-related issues.
  • Allow the device a few minutes to restart and reconnect to the Ring network.

By restarting your Ring doorbell, you give it a fresh start and the opportunity to resolve any temporary motion detection issues that may have occurred.

IssuePossible CauseSolution
Ring doorbell not detecting motionTemporary software glitchRestart the doorbell through the Ring app or by removing and reinserting the battery
Ring doorbell not recording motionSystem errorPerform a restart to refresh the device’s functionality
Ring doorbell not alerting motionCommunication issue between the doorbell and the Ring appRestart the doorbell to establish a stable connection

Check the Wiring

why is my ring doorbell not detecting motion
Photo credit: ring.com

Faulty or improper wiring can cause issues with your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

It’s important to ensure that the wiring is correctly installed and functioning as it should.

Follow the steps below to check the wiring and resolve any potential issues.

  1. Begin by turning off the power to your doorbell at the circuit breaker. This will prevent any electrical shock or damage during the inspection.
  2. Remove the cover of your Ring doorbell to access the wiring connections. Take note of the existing wiring configuration and connections to make sure they are secure.
  3. Inspect the wiring for any signs of damage, such as fraying or exposed wires. If you notice any issues, it may be necessary to replace the wiring to ensure proper functionality.
  4. Next, check the connections between the wiring and the doorbell. Ensure that the wires are securely attached and there is no loose or disconnected wiring.
  5. If everything appears to be in order, you can test the doorbell by turning the power back on at the circuit breaker. Verify that the doorbell is receiving power and functioning correctly.

By checking and fixing any wiring problems, you can resolve motion detection issues with your Ring doorbell.

If you are unsure about any aspect of the wiring, it is recommended to consult a professional electrician for assistance.

Table: Wiring Troubleshooting Steps

Step 1Turn off the power to the doorbell at the circuit breaker.
Step 2Remove the cover of the Ring doorbell and inspect the wiring connections.
Step 3Check for any signs of damage, such as frayed or exposed wires.
Step 4Ensure that the wiring connections are secure and properly attached.
Step 5Turn the power back on and test the doorbell to ensure proper functionality.

What Should I Do If the Issue Cannot Be Resolved?

If none of the troubleshooting steps mentioned above resolve the issue of your Ring doorbell not detecting motion, you may need to seek further assistance.

It can be frustrating when you’ve tried all the recommended solutions and still face problems with your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

Don’t worry, as there are a couple of options available to help you.

Contact Ring Support

Ring provides excellent customer support to assist you with any issues you may be facing.

Reach out to their support team via phone or email, explaining the problem you’re encountering with your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

Their knowledgeable representatives will guide you through more advanced troubleshooting steps or offer further solutions specific to your situation.

Explore Warranty Options

If your Ring doorbell is still covered by warranty, it’s worth exploring your options.

Contact Ring to understand the warranty terms and conditions.

Depending on the warranty coverage, they may offer a repair or replacement for your Ring doorbell if the motion detection issue cannot be resolved through troubleshooting.

Take advantage of the warranty to ensure that your device is functioning optimally.

Remember, Ring is dedicated to customer satisfaction and will do its best to resolve any issues you may encounter with your Ring doorbell’s motion detection.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for the assistance you need.


In conclusion, if you’re wondering why your Ring doorbell is not detecting motion, there are several potential causes and solutions.

By following the troubleshooting steps discussed in this article, you can identify and resolve the issues affecting your Ring doorbell’s motion detection capabilities.

Proper placement of the doorbell, adjusting the sensitivity settings, and checking for any obstructions are crucial steps to improving motion detection accuracy.

Keeping your Ring doorbell’s firmware up-to-date and restarting the device can also help restore its functionality.

If you’ve exhausted all the troubleshooting options and the problem still persists, it is advisable to reach out to Ring Support for further assistance.

They can provide expert guidance and explore warranty options if your device is still covered.

Remember, ensuring that your Ring doorbell is functioning correctly is essential for maintaining the security of your home.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and fix motion detection issues, ensuring that your Ring doorbell detects and alerts you to any motion activity.

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